Bug reporting

Please report your issue on our Github repository in case you encounter a bug while using fs_freemode,

A good bug report shouldn't have others needing to chase up for more information.
Please try to be detailed as possible in your report. What steps ill reproduce the issue? etc..

All these details will help people to fix potential bugs.

Use the Github issue search function

Check if the issue already has been reported.

Issues and labels

Our bug tracker utilizes several labels to help organize and identify issues.
Here's what they represent and how we use them:

bugThis is used for marking verified bugs.
duplicateThis is used to marked duplicated issue reports.
High PriorityThis is used to mark things that needs to be done ASAP.
In progressThis is used for issues where the developers work on.
invalidThis is used for incorrect reports
questionThis is used for reports where developers ask things to each other or need more feedback.
wontfixThis is used for things that we don't fix at the moment. But later in the dev process.